Breaking Ranks
I am one of those strange creatures I drag myself out of bed early each morning to go for a walk. This lasts for an hour or so, some call it exercise. The strange thing is it does clear one’s head and it does change perspective. Recently I have found at this moment in time the seasons seem a little confused and mixed up, the daffodils are in bloom, there are hedgerow banks full of primroses. Then in the woods there is a carpet of bluebells, the wild rhododendrons are in flower along with the chestnut trees in full blossom. A fabulous sight, but all at the same time - surely that’s not right.
Seemingly nature is mixed up, and then you look at life you see the same contradictions and confusion.
Take science, a fantastic subject that should feed your curiosity. Science is about discovering the facts; for that you test and test again until the answers are consistent - indisputable. Then when that is done, you expose your findings to your peers for them to dissect and replicate the results. Only then do you call the findings science, before that it is just lab tests. It is the result that is called science, a resilient fact. …»
Cognitive Dissonance (Or continuing to believe despite the evidence!)
It’s a human trait that once we come to a conclusion or a perceived solution to a problem the belief in that conclusion or the way to solve the problem gets very hard to shift. It’s actually quite amazing the lengths that people will go to, to try and fit the evidence (often hard empirical evidence) into the model of the world that they have created and despite all the evidence to the contrary they believe what they believe. In other words people will convince themselves of a falsehood rather than alter their model of the world (or tell a lie as in the well-known Leon Festinger and James Carlsmith study carried out back in 1954)..…»